Reflecting on ten years of LGBTQ activism in China and on the way ahead


Mercredi 15 novembre
Campus du Sart Tilman, B31 - Séminaire 3
Place des Orateurs
4000 Liège
de 11h à 13h

The speaker M. Peng Yanhui, is an independant researcher. He experienced electric shock conversion therapy in 2014. He was the first plaintiff of the LGBTQ advocacy litigations in China. He founded the LGBT Rights Advocacy China.

LGBTQ individuals started to get together in China from the 1990s on and the community emerged after the 2000s. Grass-root organizations have been empowering the LGBTQ community, raising awareness in society and advocating for the legal rights in courts during the past 10 years. The speaker, Yanzi, experienced electric shock conversion therapy in 2014, he was the first plaintiff of the LGBTQ advocacy litigations in China. His organization LGBT Rights Advocacy China has supported 13 litigations on LGBTQ legal rights and mobilized the community to take legal actions. It also engaged lawyers and media professionals to join the movement. However, things have changed during the past 3 years. In this talk, Yanzi will share his experience as an LGBTQ activist in China and will give you a glance on the Chinese LGBTQ movement. He will also explore what the perspectives for the future are in turbulent time.

Conférence organisée dans le cadre du cours « Chine postsocialiste et mondialisation : dynamiques politiques et sociales », Master LLO, Chine-Japon.


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